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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  July 10, 2014 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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billion request. later this hour president obama is set to headline his fourth democratic fund-raiser in 24 hours. it comes a day after the president met with the governor rick perry and local governors to talk about the situation there. numerous requests from perry and other lawmakers. >> there is nothing that's taking place down there that i am not intimately aware of and briefed on. this isn't theater, this is a problem. i'm not interested in photo-opes, i'm interested in solving the problem. >> as i recall, president bush got chastised greatly for not showing up in new orleans when katrina occurred. so so it's about the message of i see what's going on, i care what's going on.
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nbc senior white house correspondent chris jansing is traveling with the president. she joins us now from austin. the president bushed back on republicans for not covering comprehensive immigration reform. >> reporter: we have already seen rick perry go to the border. he's with mcallen. the president has said he's not going, he will be leaving texas later today. so i think the focus shifts from will he or won't he, the president being 242 miles from the border but not making a visit. here's what rick perry had to say, start with sending out the national guard, we need to secure this border, echoing what john boehner had said when the $370 billion proposal came out from the white house. but the president said to rick
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perry, help me bring republicans into the fold. >> this is an issue in which my republican friends have said, it's urgent and we need to fix it. and if that's the case, then let's go ahead and fix it. >> it would be useful for my republican friends to rediscover the concept of negotiation and compromise. >> >> reporter: so the president did indicate a willingness to talk about the national guard if the republicans were willing to take a serious look at his $3.7 billion proposal but there's been some push back on that and the amount and how it's been distributed. >> we have seen lots of protests and demonstrations since this border crisis started, chris. what have you seen down there? have you seen the same?
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>> yeah, local conservative group is planning to protest here even as we see lines of supporters of the president who waited hours, first to get tickets and now to get into the theater to hear the president. they say they're going to show up in a couple of hours in advance of this speech and you may have seen last night in michigan, small town vasser, texas, 75 people showed up protesting saying we don't want some of these children brought here to a facility. so that debate is really spreading all around the country. >> chris jansing, traveling with the president. now we go out to the border once again where so many of these undocumented immigrants crossed from central america and into the united states every day. it's a tragic site of death, of desperation acember peatio decemberation. >> the final leg for undocumented immigrants crossing into the u.s. this is what ranchers call the
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killing fields, scorching desert lands. >> this is where they law up and rest. >> reporter: there are signs hundreds are crossing here, this rancher just found two bodies on his land last week. >> i've been trying to get some attention to relate the fact that there are people dying. >> reporter: for 35 miles in 100-degree heat, no shade, no water, just the desperate fight to stay alive. durham set up this water station to make sure immigrants don't die on his land. this year, they're finding bodies of more children, like this 15-year-old who made the journey from guatemala, he died in texas headed to find his brother in chicago. his dream, says his brother was to come here to earn money for our sick mom. a dirt plot at the edge of town is where more than 100 unidentified immigrant mothers and fathers were buried.
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no head phones, no names. they'll need more room here. >> we have recovered 37 bodies this year. and i think it's fair to say that for every one we recover, we're probably missing five or ten. >> reporter: with hundreds of children crossing the texas border every day, authorities are overwhelmed. >> it hurts me sometimes to turn them in, but it's my job. >> reporter: last night, after his three-week grueling journey from guatemala, edgar gave up. his first drink of water in three days. i asked, was it dangerous? yes, he says, i turned myself in because i didn't think i was going to survive. i may have never seen my wife and two children again. he may be lucky, he survived the killing fields, many do not. >> coming up, i'm going to talk to congresswoman sheila jackson
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lee, she is in texas, she's scheduled to meet with president obama today, she also recently spent some time at the border. again, sheila jackson lee coming up in just a few minutes. israel's military is dramatically escalating its efforts in the gaza strip. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu ordered the move after militants fired a series of missiles toward israel's nuclear plant. ma'am hamas rockets are reaching deeper into the country than ever before. 700 people in gaza were killed by the israeli air strikes. this is the heaviest fighting between israel and the palestinians in the gaza strip since an eight-day battle in 2012. from dead broke to not truly well off. we'll check in on hillary's book tour. the poll numbers have not been kind.
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iraqi officials are warning the united nations this morning about a new threat. they say that militants have seized nuclear materials from a university in mosul. what more can you tell us about all of this? >> reporter: craig, this is uranium that has been stolen from that facilely in mosul. being told that it wasn't a large amount of uranium, 88 pounds and the international atomic energy agency is saying that it's low grade uranium that doesn't present a significant
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safety, security for nuclear proliferation risk. but the u.n. governor wrote to the u.s. to express concern about it. and in that letter explained that this uranium could be used in some kind of terrorist attack. and argued that the west should get more involved in iraq with what is happening. but u.s. officials say they do not believe these uranium could be use it as a weapon. this scientist, his view is it depends on how potent this uranium is. it could be used in some kind of a dirty bomb, claiming it has the risks of causing real fear amongst the civilian population. that's the question. we don't know how potent this uranium is. another intelligence official says that they are always looking at this, this is high on their list of priorities, this kind of threat.
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so it does appear to escalate the issue here. >> really quickly, you know, it may seem like a silly question, but you would think that even low grade uranium might be under lock and key, there might be armed guards, the building itself might be secure, no? >> no, not in this case. and that has been the worry around the world, this was a university and in hospitals where uranium is used in hospitals, uranium is experimented on in universities. the worry always is that if that stuff gets stolen, gets in the hands of people with evil intentions, the trouble in most of it, and this illustrates the issue here in iraq. this is a relatively developed country, it has universities, it had hospitals with this stuff. in mosul, that city has been overrun by isis so i don't think there was any chance of
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protecting it and it appears isis knew what they were looking for, knew what they wanted to get a hold of. >> kira simmons for us in baghdad. thanks as always sir. back here after a tense standoff, a violent suspect is behind bars this morning. he is suspected of shooting members of his own family execution style. police say 33-year-old ron haskell shot six members of his own family, four of them his own children. he finally gave himself up after a car chase and a standoff that lasted for hours. miguel has been covering this story, he's in spring texas with the very latest. >> reporter: good morning, police are backing off some of that information, but they do want to say they have identified the shooting suspect as ron lee haske haskell. he walked inside and rounded up
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what they are now saying are six relatives of his. they are not saying if he was the father of the four children inside. he shot them one by one execution file and then left this home. a seventh member, a relative of this family was also shot, a 15-year-old girl. she was able to call 911 and tell police the next location she believed that the suspect was headed to. police showed up there where the 15-year-old girl feared that the suspect was going to shoot and kill another member of their family. police were then able to follow this suspect, he drove about four miles away into a cul-de-sac where a tense standoff lasted some three hours before the suspect gave himself up. at this hour, the suspect has not entered a plea yet, he had a court hearing earlier today, but he was not in court today. police say they have no motive for this shooting at this hour, craig. >> what's the latest on that 15-year-old girl, how is she doing? >> reporter: they tell us the
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15-year-old is in quote, very critical condition, she's being treated at a nearby hospital but she's in critical condition. >> miguel, thanks. we're going to check in on what folks still think about sarah palin in just a bit. it's time for the "your business" entrepreneur of the week. jennifer beale is the author of l.a. based clean baby. she partners with brands moms already love to build awareness and celebrity. a win-win situation for everyone. for more, watch "your business" sunday mornings at 7:30 on msnbc. if i can impart one lesson to a new business owner, it would be one thing i've learned is my philosophy is real simple american express open forum is an on-line community, that helps our members connect and share ideas to make smart business decisions. if you mess up, fess up. be your partners best partner. we built it for our members, but it's open for everyone.
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or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. we have been talking about the situation at the the border, tens of thousands of undocumented folks coming up from central america, many of them children. i want to bring in congresswoman sheila jackson lee, democrat from texas. congresswoman, i understand that you are about to sit down with president obama and talk about this border crisis, the president there traveling in texas. what do you hope to accomplish in that meeting with the president? >> well, as you well know, the president is fully engaged and we welcome him to texas to be able to address some of the issues. he had a very good meeting
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yesterday, met with some of those community leaders that i have already spoken to, actually seen them at the border. today he'll be speaking about the rising improving economy here in the united states, and some of us will have the opportunity to share some of our thoughts about the border. i think my emphasis will be fixing the problem. that's where the president's mind is, that's what he's been doing. and as the ranking member on the maritime secure committee, i introduced election to add more immigration judges. this supplemental has several answers to that, but i believe minimally that we should hire several new judges because it is going to be difficult to reassign some of the judges from other parts of the country. then i am also committed to helping our border patrol agents who by the way told me that they were able to do their job, even though they had been called into service to cover diapers and
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make formula. but they were able to do their job. >> 17 new judges, what does that actually do to stem the flow, to stop the tide of these young people who are coming up from central america. we have heard from a number of them that they are leaving violent, desperate situations. what will the 17 new judges do to help that situation? >> craig, thank you for the question, i wanted to look at it from a holistic perspective. the international leaders, the u.n. declared these children as internationally protected. so what we need to do is have a whole face to this. with respect to their fleeing the violence, i think it's important to have diplomatic engagements at a very high level and resources to those central american countries to stem the need for these children to come. but we also realize that 85% of them are coming to be joined with family members here. this is a migration that has
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come out through poverty and extreme violence, threats of killing children if they don't join cartels. so you have to look at it from both ends, the infrastructure, the ice, the border patrol resources are all there to determine what these children are eligible for asylum or can be reunited with their parents. many of these children on a temporary basis, because of the law signed by president bush will have to be in our communities. we're hearing quite diverse perspectives, some anger, some rising to our support. i'm very glad that in the state of texas in cities like houston and dallas, we have a large, nonprofit community and pastors who are willing to work with us. but we're hearing ire from some of these children. some of these children will remain in our communities with their families. if they remain in the care of
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the federal government, they will be taken care of in totality by the federal government. so first stop the violence by engaging with central america that has been suffering from this violence. their backs broken for a couple of years. then on the other end, we have got to be able to deal with their care and deal with our border. i disagree that our border is in devastating condition. our border patrol agents are doing their job. >> do you think the border is z secure? >> craig, here's what i think. you have not looked to this issue except for this rising migration. >> congresswoman, this is -- this is a very simple question, yes or no, are our borders secure? >> i think our border with now 21,000 border patrol agents is under control. we need to give them more resources, more equipment, and they can stand to have more support as it relates to the increasing of those numbers that may come through the supplemental. there's a large amount of money
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for increasing numbers of border patrol and ice officers, but i would not cry fire to suggest that our border patrol agents are not on the job. they are on the job. i have spoken to them. i have been on the border, i have been on the rio grande. i have been on the border at night. so it's a great chance. >> you just got back from the border. a lot has been made of president obama's decision not to go to the border to see this crisis first hand. i want to play you a video of something two of your democratic colleagues had to say. this is what they said. take a listen. >> it's one thing to talk about it, read about it and write about it, but it's another thing to see for yourself. >> he is shown playing pool in colorado, drinking a beer and he can't even go 242 miles to the texas border? >> does he video a point.
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>> does he have a point? you just got back, do either one of them have a point, that president obama would be well served by going to the boarder? >> i will -- has lived with this for a couple of months and i understand. i'm still riveted by what i saw. here's what my perspective is, i don't have the day, the time or the hour, but i have no doubt that our president who's trying to get the emergency supplemental passed will come to the border. i fully appreciate that our focus now is to move this emergency supplement along, i don't know when it will be, but i know our president will have the opportunity to see this at some point firsthand. he is being briefed by the secretary of homeland security, secretary of health and human services, many of us and we know
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that we need resources to protect these children and to provide these extra handsive you will at the border. that's what i'm looking at. i want to make sure that everyone knows, it is a humanitarian crisis. i don't think it's going beyond the oval office, in terms of the president accepting and knowing that. and i am not in any way doubting his compassion for children. our colleagues want him down there sooner rather than later and i appreciate that. >> and yourself included? >> i will not undermine their words. but my perspective is that i don't expect there to be a long, long period of time before the president is able to see this firsthand. >> okay. >> and see as he is able to do so. >> congresswoman sheila jackson-lee, congresswoman, thanks as always. always good to see you. i want to between in jonathan alt, and msnbc contributor ryan grimm. what do you make of what the
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congresswoman just said about the president's decision not to go to the border? >> well, the congresswoman is a strong supporter of president obama. and you're now seeing she and other democrats are trying to send an unmistakable message to him that he should go down there and see for himself what's going on. now the white house i think is not playing this right politically, they think well why should we be have been the president so connected to this problem right now? or he should may have been tan some detachment and not own the whole thing, especially since it's the republicans right now who, by the way, let's not forget this. >> right. >> the president has asked for more than $3 billion to address this problem. republicans who have been for years agitating for more money for border security, which they have already pumped billions into, more money for border
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security, he already said, okay, i want to address this and they're saying no, because if he's for it, they're against it. so those are the basic politics that the president's looking at. having said that, i think he misplayed his hand a little bit politically by not going down there. >> and ryan, perhaps it would not appear to be so bad if the president had not scheduled, you know, four fund raisers in texas while all of this is happening. >> right. >> that's our political system. it's dominated by fundraising, you know, morning, noon and night. and it's a shame because if you think about the scale of this humanitarian crisis and what's going on here, for us to be talking about what is essentially trivia and for the entire national conversation to be focused on whether or not the president is going to go down for a photo-op on the border or not, kind of diminishes the extent and the scale of this crisis. >> let's talk about hillary clinton.
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we got to talk about hillary clinton, it's thursday. she is -- discuss not appear to be help iing her poll numbers, she's on this book tour, she's been on it a few weeks now, not helping her favoribility numbers. it's plummeted more than four points. calling for president obama's impeachment over the border crisis, 54% say they have heard enough from sarah palin. let's start with hillary, from her dead group comments, to the backtrack, saying her husband are not truly well off because they pay ordinary income tax. you wrote this week about her talking about inequality, through her overseas tour this
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week, but are people really going to buy that message and given those favorable numbers, has this tour maybe been too much too soon? >> there's been a really disturbing trend for hillary clinton throughout her entire political career. the more that she's in the public spotlight, the less the public seems to like her. and this goes all the way back to first lady. when she gets out of the public eye, her favorability soars and it stayed high throughout her tenure at the state department where that's not the type of position that u you're in the news every day, though people are aware that she's out traveling the world and doing good things, but as soon as she comes back into the 24-hour news cycle, it's plummeting. and a lot of it are our own goals from hillary. sure, she was in deep debt when she came out of the white house. but people who have president of
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the united states or first lady on their resume and who have been elected senator from new york tend to have favorable futures. >> i want to talk about sarah palin here really quickly. she has successfully managed to get herself back into the news cycle by calling for president obama's impeachment in that piece a few days ago. this is something i found interesting, turning to sarah palin, four in ten republicans say that they have now heard enough from the former governor of alaska and vice presidential nominee, 54% overall, 65% democrats, 37% gop, 57% of independent voters also say they have heard enough from her. what benefit does she have at this point for her party? >> none, because what she does is she pulls back the curtain and shows you who so much of her party really would do, really does believe.
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it's a radical vision of america. it's a very stridently anti-obama issue. take a look at this issue of speaker boehner suing the president. >> yes. >> the only reason he's doing that is to hold off people like sarah palin who are calling for impeachment. because he knows that's a loser for the republican party. that ee that's why they want her shut up because she is potentially leading them down a very, very destructive road for the republican party. back in 1998 when they impeached bill clinton in the house, that was disasterous for them. but i think palin. she's wrong about wanting to impeach the president. but she's right that if you believe he has violated his oath, which is what john boehner is saying, the remedy for that is impeachment, it is not some kind of looney lawsuit which has
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never been done before in american history. so essentially, you know, they are making a radical argument that the president for relatively unspecified reasons is violating hie ining his oath. so their remedy for it is a lawsuit. that's what the speaker is saying, palin is closer to the real remedy for that if it were true which is not. >> we shouldn't dismiss sarah palin's impeachment claims when i talked to her on wednesday. >> speaker boehner, former candidate sarah palin bringing a lawsuit to a gun fight, that actually president obama should be impeached. what's your response to governor palin. >> i disagree. >> you have to wonder, ryan grimm whether the speaker wanted to say a little bit more than i disagree. how much -- the lawsuit, the impeachment, how much of this is
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also just about raising money? just about sending out the direct mail to -- i mean how much of it is really about that? just wondering. >> and there are some twists and in incentives for sarah palin. hillary clinton has the majority, so she has to watch the numbers that we're talking about. sarah palin doesn't. >> she doesn't have to have popular? >> her national career is over, she needs the 10% to 15% of the electorate, these extreme conservative republicans to, you know, to rally behind her. >> to write checks? >> exactly. and also, you know, to boost book sales or to help her get another reality show or anything along those lines, she needs to stay in the news, and in order to stay in the news, she needs to keep saying more and more extreme things. look at allen west, for example, he can't break into the news anymore. it's not because he's not saying
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crazy things anymore. it's because people have moved past allen west, because he's not in congress anymore and people have moved on. so you have to keep ratcheting up the rhetoric and that's what you see palin doing here. >> boehner is making a radical argument. he's not that different from palin. he's saying the president has violated his oath of office. when he says he disagrees with sarah palin, he actually doesn't have any ground to stand on. if he believes he's violated the oath of office, his only remedy is impeachment. >> big thanks to both of you, coming up after the break, could another war on women help democrats win over voters? also believe it or not, the return of todd akin.
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override the -- co-authored this bill and it requires most employers to provide federally required contraception and other health services even if they have religious objections to it. >> as far as finding additional sponsors for the bill, i'm optimistic that there will be some republicans in the senate who join us, i don't have names for you just yet. but this is important to women across the country. >> let me bring in senior fellow at the center for american progress action fund. joe watkins also here. good to see both of you. despite the senator's optimism. even if the senate passes this bill, house speaker john gainer would have to put u it up for a vote in the house, which is not likely, republicans can also filibuster. is there any chance of the bill passing? and if not, isn't it just all about politics? >> at the end of the day, much
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of this case is about politics and you're right, we current rely on john boehner to pass anything in the house or bring forward anything that's meaningful for the house. i think it's important that the president has gotten to work to rectify the quite possibly bad, bad, bad ruling that the court made, this is a piece of legislation that they have very much the power to go in and fix what. the house will do, we'll see. >> joe, democratic senator barbara boxer of california on r5i678 maddow show last night. this is what she said. >> i believe and i haven't seen any polls that people will support us overwhelmingly, this is a free country, we have elections. i think it puts the republicans in a bad situation and frankly i don't care. we have to step up to the plate, whether it's an election year or not an election year. >> joe is, does the bill -- does the conversation for that matter, does that put republicans in a bad situation in an election year?
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>> not necessarily. obviously it's a very difficult conversation to have. and republicans care about all americans and clearly if you just want to win, you've got to care about every constituency and certainly the women are incredibly important constituency for both political parties both in the midterms this year and also in 2016. but it's a conversation that's worth having, the hard part in this country, is how do we take care of everybody, how do we make sure that everybody is happy and that that you are rights are protected and that nobody's trample mging on their rights. it's a hard thing to do because some people agree on issues and because of their religious beliefs disagree on others. it's a good conversation to have. >> this could be the next chapter in the war on women for this election cycle by the way, the republicans who was the poster child for this issue in the last election cycle is back.
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we're talking about congressmen, former congressmen todd akin, who lost after those controversial comments about rape and pregnancy. he's releasing a new book, in this book he says, quote, my comments about a woman's body shutting down the break si was related to the impact of the stress of fertilization, this is something that fertility doctors debate and discuss. doubt me? google stress and infertility and you whethill find a like arf reach on this subject. this cannot be something that republicans want to go back into. >> this guy is not a scientist, he's not a medical doctor. the fact that anyone get medical information from google is laughable. ridiculous and just pathetic. i want to go back to something
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that joe said that i actually disagree with, it is not hard to make sure in this country to make sure that everybody is treated with dignity and respect. when we talk about religious liberty, no one has religious liberty to trample on my religious beliefs and values. do unto others what you want them to do unto you. it's not -- as it relates to hobby lobby, as it relates to lgbt rights, there's no reason why, without regard to what you may personally believe that other people should not have the ability to believe what they believe and to be treated fairly and with dignity and respect. i think the problem is that that is too much politics, too much politics that we're playing with people's lives. >> are you going to bye akin's boo book? >> actually i'm not. i'm not going to buy his book. >> he probably got a free copy.
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>> that was mean-spirited. >> i'm not going to buy his book. >> we have to leave it there, big thanks to both of you, in case you haven't heard the prime time emmy nominations are out. we'll talk about it right after this. hi, cascade kitchen counselor. 1 pac of cascade complete cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. beyond clean and shine. every time. than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve.. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if frustration and paperwork decrease... the gap begins to close. so let's simplify things. let's close the gap between people and care.
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i'm living the life of dreams. i'm living the life of dreams, with good people all around me. i'm living the life of dreams. no! i'm living the life of dreams. i'm feeling hopefully. feeling quite hopefully, it's right up here, turn right, turn right. with good people all around me. right, right, right, right, right! with good people all around me. ok look you guys, she's up here somewhere. with good people all around me. there she is! cara! come here girl! i'm feeling hopefully. and the light shines bright all through the night. oh i don't know it. and the light shines bright all through the night. yes, you do. and the light shines bright all through the night. 42. and the light shines bright all through the night. good job. and the light shines bright all through the night. and the light shines bright all through the night. and our dreams are making us nice stories. and my loves are well sleeping just right. and i know know know know now... ...that we're, living the life of dreams... dreams... there's no monsters down here, [music fades out] dreams...dreams...dreams... it's just mr. elephant.
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come on, let's get to bed. we're th12 brands.ou call home, when you're away from home. more hotels than anyone else in the world. like wyndham, we're awaiting your arrival. save up to 25 percent and earn bonus points when you book at reveal the list of television's best very early this morning in los angeles and it includes a lot of the usual suspects, game of thrones, modern family, breaking bad. here's some possible predictions. kim, always good to see you. brooklyn 99, golden globe winner, not even nominated. is that the biggest snub? >> that's definitely one of the big snubs, and i know i
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interviewed them backstage at the golden globes and that was huge there. when you have people winning over and over and over again. also another snub they had a really good creative season, a lot of people were talking about this season. so that's another snub. another huge snub, i think she was at the top of everyone's list. even though it's not the most popular show out there, everyone thought she would be nominated for sure. >> here's a list of nominees for outstanding drama series. outstanding drama series, game of thrones, hbo's juggernaut topping the list with 19 dominations. that's impressive. >> enormously impressive. it's not the one that will win best drama.
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because you have breaking bad, which i think this might be the year it will win again because people were talking about it so much this year. but you also have true detective, you have mad men, house of cards, so there's so many great shows on this list and it shows you how great tv is these days, so competitive. i would say drama, probably the most competitive category out there. >> nominees for outstanding comedy series, modern family, it seems as it modern family has won this category every year for the past decade. >> it's won four years, it will probably win again this year. >> really? >> the fifth year. and it will probably tie frazier for most wins, i think modern family definitely wins this time around, again, because it always wins. it is nice to see some new blood in there with orange is the new black, everyone has been talking about netflix a lot this year. orange is the new black,
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obviously people love this show, it's nice to see that on the list. silicone valley, also on this list, so again some fresh blood in there as far as the comedies. >> quickly here with reality television continues to take on a whole new dimension. the emmys seem to be evolving right along with it. >> there just seemed to be two categories for reality, amazing race will probably win again. it's nice to see the voice in there, i'm glad that's nominated. i love the voice, i hope it wins, amazing race, one of those shows that keeps winning and winning and winning. but you have unstructured reality. like shark tank for the wall burgers, so you have kind of two different reality shows, ten years from now we'll have ten different reality categories.
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>> always good to see you kim, thank you. >> nice to see you. >> and you can watch the 66th annual prime time emmy awards, august 25, 8:00 eastern on your local nbc station. shelly sterling will be back on the stand today. she'll be cross-examined by donald sterling's attorneys. this comes after a dramatic end to yesterday, she walked right by her estranged husband who shouted out, quote, stay away from me you pig. shelly said the outburst showed just how demented donald sterling has become. the world cup finalists set, germany is going to be taking on argentina sunday afternoon for
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the final. this is the first time these two teams have faced each other in the finals. their last match was in 1991, germany won that one. coming up the politician caught legally buying weed in washington. don't know if you can be caught buying weed if it's legal. we'll talk about that up next in our political note. when sales rep steve hatfield books at,
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congressman joaquin castro says he doesn't have room in his cabinet -- it's not that he would try to add one person, but apparently he has to take the whole family with him. and another clinton is being paid to the give speeches now.
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chelsey clinton makes as much as $75,000 per speech. her spokesperson says all that money goes to the clinton foundation, however she still has a long way to go before she catches up with mom and dad. him and bill make somewhere between 200,000 an$200,000 and per appearance. and the new bromance is hitting washington. the political odd couple. senator rachbd paul, senator corrie booker, hanging out at politico's cocktail. may rand paul told booker, maybe you could become a republican. and a pot store has attracted some unlikely customers, pete holmes saying he was exercising his new freedom. that's going to wrap it up for this hour. up next, news nation with tamron
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hall, tamron talks with democratic congressman who made those critical comments about the president's decision not to visit the border. hear what he said about a meeting with the white house. next. vo: this is the summer. the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours.
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bars. ah, that's better. it's a beautiful view. i wonder if i can see mt. rushmore from here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. good morning, everyone, i'm tamron hall. in the next few hours, president obama will wrap up his high profile two day visit to texas which included meetings with governor rick perry. president obama urged congress to act now. >> i want to emphasize to the governor was the problem here is not a major disagreement around the actions that could be
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helpful in dealing with the problem. the challenge is, is congress prepared to act to put the resources in place to get this done? >> this issue is one of trust and the american people do not trust this president and they do not trust this congress to seal the border. >> a large part of his district runs along the border in south texas. congressman, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you so much. >> as i understand it, representatives from the white house paid you a visit yesterday to talk about your concerns with the situation at the border. what can you tell me about that meeting? >> i would just say we had a very positive, constructive meeting to talk about how we can move forward on the issue of securing the border and how do we fund the request that the